Petite Body Types

Body types are so great! They’re all so different, and once you have a handle on what your body type is, you can follow all those amazing tips on how to dress your particular one. Easy peasy right?

Ahh…but here comes the hard part.

Guess what…being petite throws a wrench into the whole process.

Petite body type advice is usually lumped into one category.
Magazines, books and websites love to put us all in one big category. Since we’re short, obviously we all look alike, and can abide by the same fashion rules, right? Wrong.

Petite curves are proportioned smaller, so body type measurement information isn’t tailored for our size.
Ways to figure out your body type often include taking your shoulder, waist and hip measurements, and then comparing the difference in inches.  For petites, the differences in our measurements will be smaller, which makes figuring out our body types in this way difficult.

Women don’t always fit just one body type.
I’m a total nerd over this stuff, and even I’m not exactly sure what my body type is. I’m somewhere between a boyish, and a hourglass figure. But then, throw in the fact I’m short-waisted, and now I’m not sure if I’m an “H”. Ugh…so hard!

So, how do you figure out your petite body type?
I’ve found a few resources that I like to mix and match.

• This helpful chart from Stylish Planner gives body type measurement ratio information scaled down for petites.

Petite Measurements

For example, my measurements are approximately 30 – 23 – 32. The difference between my measurements are:

chest to waist = 7 inches
hip to waist = 9 inches
chest to hips = 2 inches

According to this chart, I’m an hourglass shape.

Of course, this is a bit flawed because it asks you to use your chest measurement. It should really ask for your shoulder measurement, since women of all body types can vary wildly in bust size.

Inside Out Style is another great resource. It’s a blog written by personal stylist Imogen Lamport, with clear and easy to understand descriptions of body types, and tips for dressing them. Her series on real life body shapes is especially helpful. I spent hours reading through these when I first found her site.

Imogen even came out with an ebook dedicated to petites last year. The ebook features 77 pages of advice directed towards petite women. I had the pleasure of reading through Imogen’s ebook, and while I found myself a little confused on body type (I fit into various descriptions of X, I and H body shapes!), I enjoyed the in-depth explanations of body proportions, and body types.

One of my favorite tips she gives in the ebook is about petite brooch placement. See how the higher brooch placement makes the figure look taller? Cool right?

Petite Brooch Placement

Disclosure – Imogen gifted me her ebook, Never Short on Style.

• I picked up The Pocket Stylist by Kendall Farr when a local Borders Bookstore closed and liquidated all its merchandise. This handy little book has since become a favorite reference of mine. Kendall Farr is a personal stylist, and her book has tons of well organized information she uses to dress and teach her clients about clothing and shopping.

The Pocket Stylist 1 600px

Kendall Farr breaks women into three basic body types, and even gives specific advice for us short girls. By packing women into just three body types, I found it hard to pick just one, as I tended to fit into descriptions of two of them.

I’m short waisted with thin limbs, so I better fit the description of the “C” body type (less defined waist, short torso, thin legs). But since Kendall suggests “C”‘s run away from wrap dresses and double breasted coats (two items I own, and think I look pretty darn good in thankyouverymuch), and frolic in empire waist clothing (which looks awful on me), I’m thinking I veer more towards being a “B”.

The Pocket Stylist 4 600px

Beyond body types, The Pocket Stylist has handy tips for organizing your closet, what wardrobe staples every woman should have, and a whole chapter on alterations.

Tip – Kendall Farr suggests trying a tailor that advertises specializing in custom menswear. A tailor skilled in menswear tailoring will be more likely to be able to handle your most difficult alterations.


Of course, very few women will fall perfectly into one category, shape, type, or whatever you want to call it. But it’s still nice to get a general idea of what direction to head when it comes to dressing your body.

What are your favorite resources for body type advice?


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  1. says: Brittany

    This is great! I attempted to do a post a few days ago on petite and large chested/hourglass, but I don't have any personal experience! I like what you said about the proportions being smaller. I had realized that a given chest size looks bigger on a petite woman, but I hadn't really thought about it in terms of overall proportions and body type. It makes perfect sense that say, a petite hourglass would need less "extreme" measurements to be considered an hourglass.

  2. says: FB @

    I have the same book and like it a lot.

    I'm definitely an inverted triangle. I'm pretty much straight up and down everywhere, but with big shoulders.

  3. says: Frankincensy

    "Petite body type advice is usually lumped into one category."

    It's so annoying when writers do this! The whole "Tall/Petite/Hourglass/Pear/Athletic/Plus-Sized" thing… as if nobody fits into more than one category. Trinny and Susannah's 12 body shapes are worth a look, though not everyone finds them helpful (and some people were downright offended by T&S' down-to-earth language and use of terms like "brick" to describe shapes). Whilst I have mixed feelings myself, their Lollipop shape describes me better than just about any other I've come across.

  4. says: curls-and-pearls

    Excellent post Kelly (as usual). I don't really know what my body type is. I feel like I'm generally straight up and down as I feel like there isn't a huge difference between each of my measurements but I do have some curves so I don't know if I could be considered to have a "boy" shape. It's all very confusing! Thanks for all the great references!

  5. says: AubreyOhDang!

    Oh man, I don't ever want to be a Diamond. That must be hard to fit into clothes.

    I feel like I'm 1/2 and 1/2. 1/2 boyish figure on top, but hourglass on the bottom? but not exactly pear shape either? and w/such small proportions, I can't tell sometimes on myself, much less have someone else tell me.

  6. says: CynthiaC

    I didn't realize one could be curvy/hourglass with just a 6 inch difference between the waist and hips/bust and hips. I thought it had to be greater. Still, though, I feel more "ruler-y" than "curvy" Maybe it's because my waist is kind of short.

  7. says: prosephina

    This is so perfect! I always wondered how to determine body types. I remember stumbling upon Imogen's blog some time ago, have to check her out again.

  8. says: Stylepint

    Interesting tips about body shapes. I don't follow body shape tips because what might work for the average person/petite, may not work for me. But they are good tips to keep in mind.

    I learn best through trial and error and following my own style since I know my body best or at least, I should. =)

  9. says: A.Li

    I always had a hard time firguing out my body shape too. I usually search online and read a lot of alteration books with different types of body shape and measurements. I might pick up a copy of the "Pocket Stylish" though. Thanks for the review.

  10. says: Callandra

    I love this post!! I have read the pocket stylist, Science of Sexy and of course the styling book by Stacy and Clinton. I love these types of books and devour them by the dozens anytime I'm near a large bookstore!

  11. says: Anonymous

    I am just under 5'2" and 33/25/33. I am hourglass although that is deceiving since I wear a 30DD bra. I am more cup than band size. I have very small shoulders and straps fall down all the time.

    I have worked as a dressmaker and have made my own clothes. Without getting into too much detail, there are different types of petites. I am a long torso/short legs petite. Other than alterations for my large bust, I really just need to hem garmements. I find Junior sizes fit better than even Misses Petite.

    1. says: Anonymous

      I am very similar to you in build and find juniors are sometimes a better fit as well for my small but very curvy build. Bras at 30DD are tough to find and almost never stylish.

  12. says: fashionforteens

    I love the pocket stylist! I just did a post on it a few days ago. The advice is so helpful, but I couldn't really figure out my body type either. I am basically just a "rectangle" shape, since I have very little curves. The chart that you posted is really helpful. Thanks so much! Your tips are so helpful. It's hard to flatter a petite figure.

  13. says: Alterations Needed

    @Frankincensy – Sweet! Thanks for the Trinny and Susannah links! I'm going to go look through them now. I love this stuff! =D

    @curls-and-pearls – I thought I was boyish for a while too, but I think that's just because my curves are so much smaller than a taller woman. They're there, they're just smaller. =)

    @Jen – A % would be ideal! Then it could work on everyone.I wonder if that exists somewhere…hmmm…

  14. says: olyvia

    this is a very interesting post, I have never thought of looking at books for styling tips. I'm glad you shared the brooch placement bit! My bf had called me a pear-shape and I wouldn't believe it, but when I tried that chart from stylish planner above, lo and behold, I am a pear! It's so weird, cause when I look at styles for pear-shapes in magazines, they aren't the styles I like, so hard! to find stuff that I like and look good in! I definitely need more styling tips, hehe

  15. says: SewPetiteGal

    I fall very perfectly as a triangle :) Love the brooch placement comparison – I would have never thought of that. Can't wait to try!

  16. says: PetiteXXS

    I'm a little confused and not exactly sure what I am according to that chart! I seem to fall in the "curvy" column but my chest vs. hips difference isn't +/- 4? Anyway, very interesting post and thanks for sharing the brooch placement tip!

  17. says: melina bee

    I'm quite petite and really enjoyed this post. In general, I don't believe trying to figure our your body type is a worthwhile pursuit because women's body's vary so so much.2 women may have the same measurements, but if one is larger boned than the other, the same garment may not flatter both. I think trial and error plus a good tailor are the best bets. I've noticed many women who pull off trends that aren't suggested for their body type– personality has a lot to do with what will and won't look good on you, too. Also, not every woman who is short wants to look taller nor every woman who is larger wants to look skinnier.

  18. says: Tori Mistick

    I have never seen that brooch placement advice before, but what a good idea. It's too bad that people these days tend to dress for trends not their bodies. I also think that tailoring is MAJOR for a petite girl — hem those pants and sleeves!

  19. says:

    Awesome post!!
    I too have a petite body type, and have a hard time trying to figure out if I cam wear certain things.

    Also I have been in search of another book to read, thanks!!

  20. says: steveshot

    Seems like a good book to pick up. I think I'm a pear shape, but leaning towards the hourglass… it's not super extreme, but you know. :)

  21. says: Susanne Heydenbluth

    The best I know is from Jan Larkey “Flatter your figure”. She gives advice for each body part. 

  22. says: Kat Landreth

    Ha! I’m curvy?! I just always thought that since I’m slender and wear a small bra size that I was more boy shaped or stick shaped. But according to this, I’m curvy! That made my day :)

  23. says: Kelsiehoagland

    I think I’m curvy? 32-26-36. Can anyone help me out. I think that that chart is kinda confusing :/ maybe I’m just thinking too much into it, though haha. I always thought I was pear shaped.

    1.  According to the chart, you’re curvy! Another way is too look in a mirror and see if your shoulders are about the same width as your hips. Pear shaped ladies usually have narrow shoulders that are shorter in length than their hips. You might also be somewhere in between, so you can pick and choose tips from either “curvy” or “pear” advice.

      1. says: Kelsiehoagland

        So what shape is “curvy” exactly? Because, in magazines, when they say curvy they mean heavier set. But I’m not heavier. I’m about 105 pounds. I have wide bone structure (I think, but that’s the Greek in me!), but I’m fairly thin.

        1.  I know exactly what you mean. “Curvy” has been used recently to mean voluptuous in a heavy, plus-size way. But “curvy” has traditionally meant a woman with an hourglass figure. I read an article recently that disputed the new “curvy” as heavy meaning by showing that a plus-size woman has less difference in measurement between her bust, waist and hips than a thinner woman does. Thus, thinner women are actually curvier than plus-size women. However you use the term in your real life, this chart means hourglass when it says curvy, so be happy that you have the figure every girl wants! Va va voom! =)

          1. says: Kelsiehoagland

            Awh thanks! :) This really made my day! I love your blog, by the way. I came across it last night and I can’t stop browsing through it :)

  24. says: marina

    Really nice article. But what about people that doesn’t perfect fit in those categories? There are lots of people who doesn’t. I’m 5ft 2″ and 35-26-40. I have a breast-waist difference of 9″  (way too much to be a pear),  but my breast-waist difference is 5″ (way to much to be a hourglass). 5″ is just a bit more than 4″, so I could be curvy, but since the b-w-h differences are a lot bigger than 6″, that makes a poor description either. Since I have well balanced shoulders and hips despite the narrow rib cage/back,  I look more like an “unbalanced hourglass” than with a “pear with breasts”, but I think both descriptions would be fair enough. Either way, I’m in-between a pear and a hourglass, so I try to match both  categories tips, but I would like to find some expertise advice on how to match characteristics of 2 different categories.

    1.  Whoops, just now seeing this. Sorry for the late reply! These kinds of things are only meant to be a loose guideline. You’re spot-on in that most women fall within one or two of these body types. If you find this to be the case, it’s up to you to pick and choose which advice from each of the types you fall under to follow or ignore.

      1. says: Tanya

        I just found your blog, I’m 4’10 and was wondering how you weighed 5 pounds less than me.  Must be what you call your chicken legs. They look fabulous in the pictures.  I have curvy, sturdy legs.  What is funny about my body type is I’m quite small-chested, almost flat really, and I’m still a curvy by the chart.   I don’t look curvy in most of my clothes but in fitted dresses or bathing suits it is obvious.  

  25. says: guest

    5ft3inch, 33-23-35, used to be 34-19-33, working back towards that now. yeah i know what you mean! 
    I’m quite small so people just say I’m petite and give me the “you have no curves look”. curvy isn’t fat. curvy can be skinny

  26. says: Petite Caja

    Thank you! Finally I can be sure I’m an thin petite hourglass (I’ve always heard I’m a pear which doesn’t make sense since my shoulders and butt are the same size). I will look into those books :)

  27. says: RobininCO

    Urgh. I am 5’3″, short waisted, slightly plump, and very curvy. 40-34-40. If you ignore my head, I’m a double scoop ice cream cone. Nothing on the planet is made to fit me. I wear t-shirts and sweats most of the time and feel very frumpy.

  28. says: teraytaray

    This is so informative. It is very rare that I can find a perfect fit for me. I am pear shaped but not a simple one. I am 5 ft tall, have narrow shoulders, small bust, wide waist and wider hips. 33-29-38. In Macy’s they have this Petite Pear shaped and I thought that should be good, but not really. The problem is always my waistline. I guess I have to lose 3-4 inches in the waist to be able to say I am a perfect pear shaped woman

  29. says: TessaRhae

    This is impossible. I’m 5’2″, no butt, no chest. And a small waist. I can’t wear anything with looking 20 pounds heavier.

  30. I’m 5′ nothing size 2 shoe thats in kids so heels are not in option to look a little taller I have small C cup boobs I’m less than 100 pounds nice size butt for my weight but I’m not sure of my body type I now I’m petite but I’m not a stick nor am I super curvy its hard to Explain I have curves but I’m slim, does that mean I’m a hour glass body type?

    1. Hi Kayla! You can certainly be an hour glass. A little trick I’ve learned is if you have curves, but you’re not Sophia Vegara (curvy), then you’re probably either a pear or an hourglass. One way to tell is to look in the mirror and look at where your shoulders and largest part of your hips (can be your thigh) ends. If they appear to be equal, then you’re probably an hour glass. If your shoulders look narrower than the largest part of your hips, then you’re probably a pear. But remember it’s not cut in stone. Most women have traits of two or more “body types”, so don’t feel like you HAVE to be one or the other.

      1. says: Lucy Ellis

        I’m 32-26-35 and 5ft 4 weighing 47kg I look in mirror but don’t like what I see because my bust looks too big .

  31. says: Joann

    I am 5feet 6 inches tall and weigh 160 pounds recently
    I tried on a beautiful coat that was a 12 petite
    And it fit me like a glove. Should I have felt funny
    Buying a petite coat?

    1. Hi Joann! You should not feel funny at all! No matter what your height, you might have different proportions at different parts of your body. Some people are longer in their torsos than they are in their legs, and others are the opposite, so they have long legs but short torsos. Women with short legs and long torsos may find that petite length pants fit them better, while regular size tops work well. Women with long legs and short torsos may find that regular pants are perfect, but petite tops are a good fit. I’m going to guess one of two situations is true for you: a) you’re of the long leg/short torso variety, and just happened to fit perfectly into a petite coat, or b) outerwear is often oversized to accomodate layers, so maybe you’re the kind of girl who prefers her coats nice and fitted, so a petite coat fit the bill perfectly because of it’s smaller proportions. Either way…nothing to worry about…you found a beautiful coat that fits you like a glove! Who cares what department it came from! Enjoy! =)

  32. says: bree

    What am I? I am 5.1 110 lbs a 34 d cup chest but my measurements are 35 shoulders, 34 bust, 27 waist, and 36 hips.. My bum is not very curvy though, but my waist is kinda defined. My best assets are my chest and legs I’m told. I’m short, but I’m all legs! This is also after 5 kids and 32 yrs of age. I’ve been told I’m an hourglass, but my bum is flatter like an apple… I’m so confused. What shape would u say I am?

      1. says: bree

        Could u elaborate on what categories I do fit into? I’ve been doing some research online and it seems I could be a spoon/vase.

  33. says: little lady


    im 4ft 11 weigh around 7 stone.. measure approx 32, 24,33, what type im i its frustrating being petite

  34. says: Kato1979

    I love this! I’m 4’11” and weigh between 98 and 103 lbs on any given day and sales associates tend to think I’m nuts when I go out shopping for petite jeans and end up trying on a stack of “curvy” jeans. Thanks to this chart I can see that with my 33-26-35 frame, I am not crazy!

  35. says: Aespen Houston <3

    Well,I’ve always had small boobs I wear a 34b and I’m 5’2 and I weigh 110. I’m 17 years old I’m limited on what I can wear because of my boobs….its really frustrating. If anyone has any tips or suggestions please let me know. Thanks! :-)

  36. says: Papaya

    Hi! I’m really confused on how to find my petite body type, I’m 5’1 btw and my body measurements are 33-29-36
    Weigh apprx 115 pounds.
    It would be of great help!

    1. Well…the difference between your waist and your bust is 4 inches (33-29=4), the difference between your waist and your hips is 7 inches (36-29=7) and the difference between your bust and hips is -3 inches. According to the chart, you’re closest to a pear.

    2. says: summer_love

      Hey! I’m also the same height and about the exact measurements! I weigh 108 and I don’t know..I think we’re pears, but I don’t have tiny shoulders either.

  37. says: Carolina

    I’m 5’2 with ridiculous measurements (thanks, body – it’s not even pudge, it’s all my dang bones!).

    40 bust, 39 hips, 27 waist.

    I’m hovering somewhere between a D and C cup (Australian measurements, last time I got measured I was a 10D).

    Any idea what I am? I’d like to say hourglass but maths does my head in.

  38. says: Caitlyn

    I’m 4’10” measuring 36-28-38, looks like I’m hourglass that makes me kinda happy :D Thanks for all the research

  39. says: Ash

    I’m sorry for asking, but I can’t seem to figure out my body type. It’s confusing. Probably because I suck at math. My measurements are 31-23-32.

      1. says: Josie

        Hi. I’m a bit confused on my body type. I’m 4ft 11 and 103 lbs. To be exact, someone measured me to be (34 1/2)-(26 1/4)-(34 1/2). I’ve been told that I look like an hourglass but I don’t understand what the +8, +10, -2 means on the chart…What am I?

  40. says: lexie

    I’m 5″1″ and i’m 33-24-33. Some people say i have an hourglass shape while some say i have a pear shape. I’m puzzled. What shape am I really?

  41. says: S.V

    Clothes are the bane of my existence. I’m 5ft, 35-24-33 which makes my proportions 11 9 -2 Even petite clothing stores are too long, baggy round the waist and won’t fit round my bust. I freaking hate it! Au clothing doesn’t do petites full stop, so I imported in at higher cost only to find the clothes don’t fit. Only 2 stores go below an Au 6 (American 2) and the styles are as boring as mud. I see little Asian women dressed beautifully and I wonder where on earth they get their clothes. I’ve asked a few times and it’s always overseas.

  42. says: Cyn

    I have no idea how to make any of these charts work for me. I’m 5’1″ and my measurements are roughly 33/27/36, but I have a small frame, extremely narrow shoulders and a very short torso. My hips and thighs are curvier. I never seem to fit any of the descriptions in these books. Although I know roughly what works for me (v-necks, high-hip cropped jackets with nipped in waists, straight or boot cut pants, knee-length a-line skirts, single-breasted trench coats) and what doesn’t at all (maxi anything, turtlenecks, boatnecks, halters, anything oversized, baggy or without a defined waist). But it would be nice to be able to actually get some practical fashion advice from the million books and columns out there, because I often struggle to find clothes that fit and flatter me, especially these past couple of seasons when the fashion trends have all veered towards the long, unstructured and baggy.

  43. says: Farrah

    I just found you and this post makes me so happy. It’s so hard for me to fit into anything. Narrow shoulders, 5’1″ currently measuring at 34″, 23″, 36″ and it’s impossible to find clothing or explain my body to a sales person that doesn’t get it. Your post just gave me shopping hope and the comfort of knowing I’m not alone

  44. says: Eno

    I’m 5ft3 and my measurements are 27-27-36 so it’s considered as are pear shape right ? Hmmm idk if this true .

  45. says: Laura

    I’m 5″1 my measurements are 34-28-33.5
    I measured my waist at the narrowest part.
    I have no idea what shape I am…. but I feel like an apple.

  46. says: Beth

    This chart does my head in, lol! I wish someone would create a little web app that I could plug my numbers into and it would tell me what my shape is, but I suspect I would cause it to fail. As I recall, even Trinny & Susannah’s 12 shape program couldn’t come up with a shape for me!

    I don’t know if you monitor comments anymore as I see this is very old, but if do and you have any ideas about which shape might fit me, I’d love to hear!

    I am 5″1 and my measurements are as follows:
    Bust – 36.6″
    Waist – 31.5″
    Hips – 35.4″

    1. Hi Beth! The chart certainly isn’t perfect, and these body type tests can’t be taken as gospel because most women fall in-between types, but let’s see if we can figure this out:

      The difference between your bust and waist is 5 inches.
      The difference between your hip and waist is 4 inches.
      The differences between your bust and hip is 1 inch.

      I think the chart would place you somewhere between an hourglass and rectangle, since your bust and hip are really balanced, and your waist isn’t as pronounced as an “hourglass”, but it’s certainly there. Do you sometimes struggle to find your waist in looser styles, but then think, “damn, I look va va voom” in styles with a very distinct, fitted waist?

      For example, I’m in-between an hourglass and a pear, so I have days where I see my shoulders as sloped and narrow and my hips larger, and other days where I see myself as more evenly proportioned with a small waist. Depends on what I’m wearing.

      I hope that helps!

  47. says: beth

    hello Im really skinny, my weight is 45 kg and 164 cm, my meassurments are 34-24.5-34 , Im confused, my waist is really defined and my hips are very rounded, but my boobs are too small some simulators say im an hourglass, but how can it be, becouse my breast? or if i gaing weight it will change?

    1. Hi Beth,
      If your bust and hip measurement are equal, then you’re most likely an hourglass. Your rib cage is probably wide enough that even if you have a smaller chest, you still look hourglass proportioned. Only consider gaining weight if it would make or keep you healthy. Sure, your chest would get a little bigger, but so would everything else. You’d still have the same body type…that doesn’t really change.

  48. says: nikkole

    I think I might be hourglass? but I’m not sure I am 35-27-36 but I am a 30E. I am 4’11, I have a short torso. I have thick thighs and a booty but I normally wear a size 2 to 4 depending on brand. I weight 118 and my lower part of my stomach is a little chubby, but wear small and xtra small shirts.

  49. says: beth

    ohh thanks for the answer, so even if im very skinny Im an hourglass body shape? once let tell you I gain like 4 kilos and my buttocks got bigger and just one boob grew up, then it was very dificult to maintain that weight, and I lose that weight again. My mom told me that she use to be like me, but after having childs, her breast got bigger now shes wearing 36d bra , so that can hapend to me?

  50. says: Sarah

    If shoulders are half an inch wider than myhimy hips, my waist is 11 inches smaller than hips, than what does that make me? My underbust is 261/2 c cup; shoulders 341/2 and hips 35 1/2, but mostly because I gain most of my weight in upper thigh and butt area.

  51. says: Kaarin

    I can relate! I am 45 years old, 5’3″ and even though I measure 33-26-33 I wear a 28E bra (eyeroll) so I have go up to like a 2P on tops to fit the bust and then take them in through the waist and sleeves etc and wear 00 or 0P on the bottom. Being short and short/thick waisted is hard: do I buy the size bottoms to fit bum and hips but give me muffin top OR do I go up a size to fit the waist but have to take everything else in?!?! I have sewn since I was about 10 so I pretty much alter everything I own.
    Plus recently the “vanity sizing” has changed so that back in the 1990s I wore a size 4 but now it changed to 00-0 but my weight and measurements are EXACTLY THE SAME it gets frustrating.
    I used to shop for basics like tees and jeans in the girls dept cuz 12/ Large is basically a 00 and 14/Extra Large is a 0 but now those sizes are getting to be a bit wider.
    Too bad women cannot have universal sizing. Europe is a bit better in my opinion, their clothing has stayed the same for the last 30 years or so. Good luck ladies and if you do not already sew or do not want to it is worth it to have things tailored. Some stores do it for free, Nordstrom/Rack usually will or it is a small fee like 5$.

  52. says: Em

    Can you determine what I am?

    About 34 1\4 – 34 1\2 bust, 32 -32 1\4 hip, and waist i am not sure where it is but I went along my body looking for the smallest, depending on how tight I pull the measure tape, maybe around 27, 261\2 0r 26 3\4…

  53. says: Em

    I don’t really “see” the waist , maybe because it’s smaller proportions. But with an empire waist dress emphasizing the bust, I feel curvy. It hides my belly, maybe my waist is hiding On top.of my belly?! Maybe my “comfortable waist is more like 27 .1\2.

  54. says: Em

    Also I am longer torso, short legs. But I think a petite shirt is better because it’s more narrrow. ? am I a rectangle with a tiny bit of inverted triangle or curve? It seems I am not quite rectangle but boyish? I think maybe petite small is a good shirt to emphasise bust, petite extra small climbs to my breast and petite medium is loose but I can tell i have a chest but loose the waist and hips,, perhaps I look boxier. Petite small i do not see my waist, hip thru a normal not fitted shirt but seems somewhat proportional, loose around the hip. My hip is off the petite extra small chart. I am so curious what you think? I am shopping and want to make the best choices too. I am so glad there is a method.

  55. says: Crystal Rice

    I must be the only chubby girl to read this blog. I’m a diamond! Never heard that term before, but I like it MUCH better than an apple shape. Small shoulders, average bust, big waist and smaller hips than waist. Let’s just say elastic waist bands with thin, skinny legs are my best friend! I found this article very interesting! Even when I was much younger (pre-kids) and 115 pounds, I still was a diamond as the measurements were smaller overall but the difference between them the same! I guess losing/gaining weight does not change your body type.

  56. says: Selena

    Hi, I’m 118 pounds and I’m in between a rectangle or an hourglass my measurements are 37-30-37 and I’m 5’2″ what am I?

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